Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Whole gluttony

This morning we walked to Whole Foods. It is only about a mile away, and I figured we needed to earn our babka with some exercise. We got both cinnamon and chocolate, and a vegan chocolate cake, and a chocolate scone. There is a common thread in the last sentence. Anyway, after that exhausting walk, I needed a slice or two. So I got two. Margie had something she picked up from the hot buffet at Whole Foods for lunch, and watched me eat the pizza. The picture is for my beloved daughter, who shares my love of NY pizza.

For dinner, we decided to try a Mexican restaurant, Ta Cocina on 9th Avenue. I had a Margarita for my appetizer, and Margie had a Daiquiri. For the main course, I had Mole steak enchiladas, with rice and beans, and it was quite good. The mole wasn’t super spicy, or super anything -- it just tasted good. Margie had fish tacos with a chipolte mayonnaise, black beans and rice, and liked it a lot. She only ate two of the tacos, so I filled the last one with the remainder of my Mole sauce, and it was really good that way too.

After a brief stop at Dean and De Luca, we walked to the theater on 45th Street, near where the car bomb had been planted. The police were there in force!!! Besides the NYPD TARU (Terrorist Alert Response Unit? I don’t know…), they had regular police, a bunch of police vans, and a bunch of unmarked vehicles containing who knows who. We also saw Shubert security. Shubert owns 17 of the 40 Broadway theaters. I don’t know if they were just there in a preventative way, or some big shot was eating at a restaurant there, or I they were just showing force to deter a copy-cat attack.

Anyway, we saw Next to Normal, and it was next to great! The star, and Tony winner Alice Ripley, did not appear. Instead her understudy did, Jessica Phillips. This is the danger of going to Tuesday night shows. Anyway, Jessica had a great voice, and very decent acting skills too. I wish we could have seen Alice, though.

The plot concerned a woman who has suffered a loss in her life, and is manic-depressive and delusional due to this traumatic event. Her high strung and high performing daughter, and loyal husband suffer from her issues. This doesn’t sound like a musical, does it? But it certainly was, and the music was actually pretty good. All in all we enjoyed the show, and it was definitely 5 tissues out of 5 on the emotional scale.

Our last 2 plays are tomorrow, and we also have to pack, so it should be an easy and fun day, not that they all haven’t been…

1 comment:

  1. Next to Normal is one of my must-sees...I love the soundtrack, it's so intriguing! WHAT A BUMMER to not see Alice Ripley! I would have been so upset. Grr....
