Friday, April 30, 2010

Fishy stories

The weather is finally warm! The high was predicted to be 74, and I think it got there, and it was nice and sunny too.

We had breakfast in the room and noticed we were running low on supplies, so we headed down to Chelsea by subway to an even closer Whole Foods (on 7th Ave near 23rd St). Everything we bought was basically for Margie. Some lunch stuff from the food bar, and various non-dairy snacks. We also bought some Cinnamon babka! Yeah, the other babka! Who knew?! They had chocolate too, and we didn't have to fight anyone for it, but Margie thought I would like the cinnamon better. We haven't opened it yet to see if there are any hairs in it, and we stayed well clear of the black and white cookies.

On the way back we had to drop by Burger King for my diet coke fix, and the stench in there from the warm weather, greasy food, and cinnabons (they share a store) was quite overpowering. On the way back to the hotel, we dropped by Victoria's Secret for some underwear. I had to sit in the chair of shame and pretend I wasn't pussy-whipped. It is hard to maintain your dignity in this situation, trust me. Some other victim got yelled at for taking a picture with his camera. So I guess the underwear really is a secret! Margie was pretty quick, though, and soon we were back in the room so I could work on this blog and organize things, and Margie could rest.

Dinner was awesome. We went to Estiatorio Milos, an extraordinary Greek Seafood place. The fish selection was amazing, and very expensive. Check out some of the prices in the picture! We started with some crispy toasted bread and amazing olive oil. I had the pre-fixe dinner, which consisted of 4 courses, starting with the crabcake, grilled shrimp, and fava bean puree appetizer. Absolutely scrumptious. That good olive oil played a role in every one of these items. The second course was an heirloom tomato salad with feta cheese sprinkled on the top. Yum! The main course was a whole Loup de Mer (Branzino) nicely boned and ready to eat. Just perfect. Margie ate lighter, starting with a beet salad of red and golden beets. For her main course she had the scallops appetizer. She loved both. That olive oil made an appearance in every dish. For dessert, we shared (well, one bite anyway) a walnut cake with lavender ice cream. The cake was forgettable, but the ice cream was nice.

We walked to our show which was "White's Lies", about a "player" (Tuc Watkins) who finds out his Mom (Betty Buckley of "8 is enough") has cancer, and is about to die, and really wanted a grandchild. He conspires to create one by announcing that he had a daughter (Shisty Carlson Romano ("Kim Possible") out of wedlock 25 years prior, assisted by his law partner (Peter Scolari ("Newhart"). Then things get complicated. It didn't really work as a farce, and was mostly pretty silly. Everyone more or less came to see the play because they knew the actors and had seen them on TV. I had not. Anyway, although fluffy, it wasn't boring.

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